Wednesday, February 27, 2013
New items
Woahh! There have been a bunch of items added to the catalogs for the anticipation of spring! Check out this collage I made:
(click to enlarge)
Some are brand new, and some have been brought back, but they are all pretty sweet! Here are the prices (in order from left to right):
Big blue wings: 50,000 bugs
Chicken costume: 4500 bugs
Girl's St. Patricks day costume: 800 bugs
Choproff costume (CITIZEN ONLY) 900 bugs
Grass shirt: 3000 bugs
Yellow bee shirt: 400 bugs
Leprechaun suit: 777 bugs
Pink camo dress( CITIZENS ONLY): 3100 bugs
Butterfly shirt (CITIZENS ONLY): 1000 bugs
Brown sandals: 300 bugs
Three leaf clover long shirt: 650 bugs
Brown shoes with buckle: 320 bugs
Three leaf clover shirt (CITIZENS ONLY): 600 bugs
Brown boots: 205 bugs
Anime mask with pigtails: 9150 bugs
Brown hat with buckle: 109 bus
"Jake's" hair: 2190 bugs
Brown girl's hair with bow: 260 bugs
Hair in a bun (CITIZENS ONLY): 1250 bugs
Wow, pretty nice deals! So if you only have 20 bugs in your pocket, you better play some games and get these items while they last!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Hai Chobots! I don't have much time, Nichos have taken over! And as foolish as it sounds I tried stopping the nichos by myself. Which did not end well. They have locked me all weekend! And I am planning on breaking out tonight. But they have hacked my blogging and will be able to post when they'd like. So be sure you read their posts on here. If I do get caught trying to esape, they might change me into one of them. But right now I am sitting in their hide out, with Max, Blik, and Sheridan. And while I'm in here I will share what I wrote.
Dear Chobots,
Before I forget, I wanted to share some things. I decided to attack the nichos on my own, since no one had believed me that they were evil. I walked over to their hideout, yet to find myself already taken away.How did they know I was coming? Then I think that they might have cameras EVERYWHERE. So they took me and threw me in,what looked like a jail. With bars and what not. Max,Sheridan, and Blik all sat on the ground with tired eyes. I listened as the nichos carried on with a conversation. "Yes, we will strike tomorrow, when they dont see whats coming. Years, will finally pay off! Who had thought of the plan of agreeing for peace?" They all glanced around when Mr. Choproff walked up."Me." What?! Is that where choproff been, when he wasn't in they Acdemay? I look at him closley, he had purple eyes! They brainwashed him! Suddenly his purple eyes faded and they pushed him in the jail with us. they must brain wash for a certain amount of time. The chobot statue layed in a corner with frightened eyes. I was to break out tonight. But chobots, if i do not make it, they have changed me into one of them.
Stay Stylish/Safe
Saturday, February 23, 2013
An interview with Drytoby
Hey everybody! I recently interviewed our good friend, Drytoby, and here it is!
What's your favorite thing about chobots?
My favourite thing on Chobots is definitley the community!
If you could change one thing about chobots, what would it be?
I think I would change what can be said, because I sometimes see some bad chobots using bad language towards others.
What motivated you to become an agent?
I decided to try become an Agent because I realised a good thing to do is help people, so I started to help people, and sooner I decided helping people was a really good thing to do so, I decided to try for Agency
How did you come up with the name "Drytoby"?
Haha, good question, well the answer is really strange, but here it is: I had recently got a kitten, and I named him "Toby." I realised he liked to dribble on himself, and the opposite of wet is dry, so yeah xD
What's your opinion on cheeseburgers?
:O Love them
Thanks for your time, Drytoby!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Connection Lost?
Hai guise I was on chobots and this keeps showing up, so I cannot get online. Is this happening to anyone else? Dx
I hope it is fixed soon! The party is in an hour!
Stay Stylish!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Age 0 Party!
Yes, chobots it's finally here! Tomorrow, is the Age 0 Party! Exciting? I know! I cannot wait! Come join us at the party, it will be located at the Location Eco! So come be young again and be 0! At 9:30 PM Cho time! Click here to see the countdown! I hope you all can come, it will be amazing! c:
Stay Stylish!
Spectaular graffiti art
Today I was just looking through the underground drawings when these blew my mind! Here, take a look:
by Art
by Pigscanfly
by Swifter
Nice job, guys! I am amazed by all the talent we see here at chobots. Keep up the fantastic work :)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Hai guise I just wanted to share that I am featured player! Woop! :D
Wow, makes my mood a WHOLE lot better thank you Pain for helping me notice it. c:
Stay Stylish!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
New Agents!
Hai guise, I just wanted to tell you the new agents! They are...
WOOP! Way to go guise, you both deserved it! Don't be sad, other poll people, You can do it the next time! Way to go Bruh! xD
Well,thats all I had to say for now.
Stay Stylish!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Let There Be Peace! (Chapter4)
Chapter 4
And with that Nicho saying that, everything went kinda DOWN HILL. Chobots yelling at each other, some crying, some even considered walking down to the nicho kingdom and attack. Blue runs to her mother and father holding them tight, while Pain and Vasa doing the same. "Okay Everyone, calm down!" Jake said "Nothing is going to happen." And as the days go by that actually worked, Mods walked the chobot world, watching out for Nichos. The mother Nicho never came, like she said. Blue, Vasa, and Pain still visited Nikki everyday, telling her, that her mother was looking for her. Nikki didn't care, she never wanted to go back. But was taking the nichos so long to attack? Making bombs? Some chobots thought. Or maybe they changed their minds? They were clueless, when a month later. A small Chobot named WoolyFleece was walking around chobots and ran into another chobot named Drytoby. Drytoby was an agent so she was very nice, but she was rather mean today... "Hai Drytoby! How are you?" Wooly asked with a smile. But Dry just had an evil smirk on her face. "Ew, get away, you pesant." Wooly was crushed, yet confused. Dry had never spoke to him in that tone. Wooly walks away, sad, as Drytoby just makes an evil laugh. Wooly was so bugged about it, he told support. Sadly they took Drytoby's badge away. Drytoby was crushed, and didn't know what she had done. Wooly never spoke to her, until she walks up to him. "Hai wooly!" She says happy. "What do you want? Are you gonna be mean to me again?" Dry was confused. "What? I could NEVER be mean to you." "You were." He says while kicking a nearby rock. "I swear!" Drytoby was sure she didn't do it. Did someone hack her account? No, it's not that, Drytoby was online during it, but she was on a different server.. What was going on?
That was Chapter 4 ! Interesting? I know! Tell me what you think!
Stay Stylish!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Agent Poll! /Party
Hai guise agent poll is out...and they are... *DRUM ROLL PLEASE!*
and myself!
I just wanted to say, thanks for ALL your support, means A LOT. If you didn't get it, don't be sad, NEVER give up and believe in yourself, because i believe in you all!
If you haven't voted yet, make sure you vote!:
AMAZING day today, the party that was hosted by, Jake and Yaniv was amazing as always! Thanks guise, you are awesome! Photos will be added later (I have to find them! xD)
Stay Stylish!
PS: I will be posting on the main blog tomorrow! Make sure you check it out! (:
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Let There Be Peace! (Chapter 3)
Let There Be Peace! (Chapter 3)
The three of the small chobots quickly walk to the academy. They made it just in time when Mr. Choproff began to speak. "Hello boys and girls, today we are taking a field trip around our wonderful home of chobots! Everyone please get in a straight line." They do as they were told and began to walk. "This is Rope Street.." Mr. Choproff says explaining every detail in sight, including what types of plants there were. Blue noticed they were getting close to the secret hide out and hope no one noticed it, due to the fact that it was located near the Shop. Blue saw that Pain and Vasa were getting uncomfortable as well, as they walked closer and closer. Finally they were in Shop street. Blue was now able to see the hidden room in sight. She peeks a glance at their location and nudged them to walk over to it. They scramble after Blue and dash into the area. Once they enter they saw the purple nicho taking a slight snooze. Once Vasa walks near her, Nikki wakes up automatically. "I thought you guise were going to leave me alone forever." She says, with quickened breath. "Never!" Pain says. "We were just checking up on you, we have to leave soon though." Nikki nods. They sit there for a while and the three of them walk out to catch up with the group. With their luck they weren't that far behind. The class walks into cafe street to be greeted by Jake and A Nicho, that was a women. Jake was one of the people that ran chobots. "This is a Nicho, she is not here to eat us, she is looking for someone." Jake passes the mic to the Nicho, she talks softly. "I am looking for my daughter. Her name is Nikki. I swear if you guise have done anything to my little girl, I will tell my troop to invade this dreadful world. you all have an hour to find her!" And with that she vanishes.
I hope you guise enjoyed this chapter, more to come! c:
Stay Stylish!
Hai guise! It's the most happiest seasonn of alll! O_O Sorry went a little Christmas there. xD Before I say anything, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I present you a heart!
Haha! Let me get down to business! 1st I wanted to say, that it is the Week Of Love and Staff has been holding pretty amazing events. Today was a Fashion Show, and it rained cool things! Like 2 mini ipods! ANNYYYWAYYS!
Do you know a chobot that deserves this pretty badge?
You have?! Then go tell Jake! Comment on his post about who should be agent! Be fair! But If you do not become agent, don't be sad. There is always next time. I believe in you all! You do NOT need a badge to be nice. You are all amazing chobots. NEVER GIVE UP! Good Luck to EVERYONE.!
Stay Stylish!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Newspaper contest
Hi everyone, Blik3 is holding a newspaper contest on the main blog!
(taken from
All you have to do is write an article about Valentines day, or the current peace going on in chobots! Bonus points for those who decorate their entry! Click HERE to submit your entries. Good luck everyone!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Let There Be Peace (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2:
They all stand there as the Nicho Cave opens. A small purple piece of cloth comes out. They stood there speechless, when a tiny (their age), nicho walked out. The purple robes drag across the floor, as they were too long for it's size. It had small red eyes, and a box like face. They had never seen a real nicho before, only pictures. The tiny nicho gasps. Vasa begins to back away slowly. The nicho then runs to the other side of the room. " it scared of us?" Pain questions while staring at the nicho. "I think so." Blue says. Blue starts walking towards it. The nicho backs away, with a terrified expression. "It's okay..." She says. The nicho open's it's mouth to speak, but suddenly clamps it shut. "I'm Blue, this is Vasa, and that is Pain, we won't harm you." There was a long quiet moment, when a slow, soft voice is spoken. "H-hi. I me-mean no harm. M-my name is-is, Nikki." "Why are you out here? I thought small nichos stay inside?" Pain asks. "Well, I don't like being a nicho. They are evil. All they think about is killing chobots. And I don't want to. I told my mother I didn't like it. She told me to shush, and told me to leave then." "How can we believe you?" Vasa says, hiding behind Pain. "Well, I haven't killed you yet. I have learned from the finest teachers and you are still here. Aren't you?" She says with confidence. They all nod and mumble "That's true" "Well, I was going to walk around.. Find new thin-" "WHAT?!" They all say at once. "You are a nicho, they will run away from you!" Pain says. "Oh. I don't wanna go back in there. They will probably put me in prison." "Hmm.." Vasa thinks out loud. "Why don't we take you to the secret tunnel!" Blue says. "What secret tunnel?" "It's a place where us 3 have secret meetings and just talk. No one else knows about it. C'mon!" Blue states. They hide the small nicho in Pain's jacket and run to the secret tunnel. "Wow. Thanks." Nikki says. "No problem." They begin to leave... "Wait where are you going?" She asks with wide, red eyes. "We have to go to school. We will be back later!" Vasa says. "What if someone finds me?!" Nikki says scared. "You won't I promise!" Pain says.
Well that is Chapter 2! I hoped you enjoy! (:
Stay Stylish
New Banner
Hai guise, just thought I should tell you, that there is a new banner, on the main blog! Look at this picture:
It looks wicked! Nice Job staff! Also, Chobots is PURPLE.
Nichos are really coming. prepare yourself. c:
Stay Stylish!
Let There Be Peace (Chapter 1)
Hai guise, Going to start a story. Called "Let there be peace" I really hope you chobots enjoy! (;
Chapter 1:
Long ago, In a world, where much people were not familiar with, was a place called "Chobots". Located right by the Milky Way. Now ,Chobots, have been located there, longer then Earth. Small, tiny, aliens roam this world. The aliens were known also as chobots. They are not evil, you see. However creatures called the "Nichos" are. Innocent chobots have sadly figured out that they are evil. For years, chobots have tried to have peace with Nichos, but more chobots missing in return. It has been like that for centuries, until one day, a new chobot came. Her name was BlueZoroGirl13. But her mother and father called her Blue for short. Blue was rather smart for her small age. She knew everything in less then a week. She knew more then her teacher, Mr. Choproff. Other students were jealous of her smartness, that they had grown to hate her. Although she did have 2 friends. A little boy, with light blue hair, named Pain, and a tiny little girl, with black hair, Vasa12345. (Vasa for short) Those two were also smart, and no one had liked them. So the three of them had stuck together. They were still little kids, as Blue, Pain, and Vasa walked to the academy for their class. To get there, there was the Mission agency. Blue loved walking by there. Although she had never been inside. Her mother told her it was meant for older, wiser, chobots. Blue didn't seem to think it was fair. "Hey guise, lets go inside." She said. Pain and Vasa, froze, dead on their tracks. "B-but my mother told me not to go in there." Pain says with frightened eyes. Vasa nods in agreement. "C'mon guise, what's it gonna hurt, to take a small peek?" She persuades them. They gave in easily, simply because they were tiny, and didn't know better. "Okay, Just a peek." Vasa says. All three of them walk towards the door. It quickly opens, and they jump. They continue to walk though. Passing several cow missions. "All it is, is cow missions." Pain states. Blue looks a bit further. "Wait! Look!" She says pointing at the Nicho Cave. "Okay, I am NOT going in there." Vasa says. Blue had also thought it was a bad idea, when suddenly the Nicho door whooshes open.
What do you guise think of chapter 1?
Stay Stylish
What do you guise think of chapter 1?
Stay Stylish
New Journalists!
and our very own author, Vasa12345
I'm glad to still be Journalist! Although sad for others, but there is always a next time! You all have amazing blogs. NEVER GIVE UP! I believe in you all.
Stay Stylish
Sunday, February 10, 2013
GameNight was much fun! Although I didn't come home with the gold. But that's okay! Congrats to Agent5 for winning the pinball! I have some pictures of gamenight! (:
I told them to say they were ALL winners. but they are sarcastic xD
Well, that's what I wanted to share!
Stay Stylish!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
I'm going for the gold! Pinball machine, here I come!
For those that don't know what gamenight is, It's where you play ALL of the games on chobots and try to win !
You get a game controller, Bugs, and citizenship! So make sure you work hard!
TIP: Listen to music while you play, It helps you concentrate!
Stick to one game.
Comment below what game(s) you will be playing! (:
Have fun tonight guise!
Stay Stylish!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Hey guise. most of you want to talk to me, but im either offline or away from the computer
so i decided to tell you my skype.
that is my skype. make sure you add (:
Stay Stylish
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Goodluck guise.
Stay Stylish
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
A contest for interviewers
A new contest? :O No way! But this is no ORDINARY
It's an interview contest!
So get your pens and notepads out, and start
You have until the
9th of February to submit your interview as a comment on the main blog (CLICK HERE TO
Make sure to
include your name and the name of the chobot you interviewed. Have fun and good
Sunday, February 3, 2013
All you people feeding cows, sstttttooooopppp! She is fat enough, our winners are....
1st place: Novokid2nd place: Thelittlecreator3rd place: Newy82
Congrats! Amazing job!
Okay, and the moment you have all waited for....
She has been an amazing chobot, and I think she deserves this. I really do! Go congrat her! :D
Stay Stylish!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Nichos attack?!
Things have been pretty weird here lately..
A sign, with a hidden nicho...Creepy.
Hmm.. I think this is a clue on when the nichos are coming..
And this new citizen item, for 12 months, it says on the bottom "Fight the forces of nichos with love!"
Something is going on... I guess we will find out Feb. 25th
Stay Stylish!
Friday, February 1, 2013
February Updates!
Hi everyone. Well now that it is a new month, chobots has some new updates for us!
First off, new citizenship items!
Hey, did you notice the 12 month citizenship item? I wonder who designed it...
THAT'S RIGHT! Our very own Dormidor designed this wonderful 12 month citizenship item. Congratulations, Dormidor!
Next, new events!
It looks like we're having a few game nights in February, followed by a Valentines Day Celebration! Also, an age 0 party? Saweet! But look at that last thing...CLASSIFIED? I wonder what that could be...
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- Connection Lost?
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- Woop!
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- Let There Be Peace! (Chapter4)
- Agent Poll! /Party
- Let There Be Peace! (Chapter 3)
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- Newspaper contest
- Let There Be Peace (Chapter 2)
- New Banner
- Let There Be Peace (Chapter 1)
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