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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nath88's Interview!

I went on, to ask Nath88, the mod, some questions about his job. Here are the results!

Do you like your job, as a Mod?:
 Well, Of Course I do. It's great to work with such friendly staff members and Moderating is just a small part of what we do.

Does it ever bother you, when all chobots want is Rain or a Party?:
 Moderators love to party, we try the best we can. We all know you want rain, but then what's the point of finding the item? If you don't ask for rain, we'll rain :)

 Do you ever want to be a regular chobot agian, Just so thier isnt much pressure?:
  Over the months, I've managed to stay cool, so I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.

If you could Change your chobot name, what would it be?

 Last question: If you could switch a Chobot Job, on Chobots, What would it be? (Agent, Admin, Designer..etc)
Proablly a Agent, I'm great at that job. :)

There you go guys! A mod's POV! Check back in every week, Im going to be doing Interviews Of Mods, agents, Maybe even ALBERT! (:
Have a great day! :D
