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Saturday, August 18, 2012


So if you haven't seen Vchobots1's player card, he is Elite Agent. Elite agents, can send Mods messages, Chat ban, ban, warn, see chat history, go to, and change colors of a room. Cool right? Vchobot1, already threw  a little party with magic. he can not rain, so do not ask. or ask for color change.

Other News:
Jake is throwing a hangman game.
Day: Sunday
When?: 16:00 Chobots time.
Where?: Agent's underground!
Hope everyone gets to go!

Dont just hang around Cafe street, go hang somewhere else with friends! Dont just wait at cafe street for something to happen! Might be a prize on who can get the most in a different area, the most!
GoodLuck, and have fun! (remeber take a picture of you do!)