Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Small Party!
Hello Wonderful chobots! Zoo, Sheridan, and DJ Coby, came online and we had a little party. We listened to music and enjoy some magic! Much fun! Here are some pictures!
Then Zoo just told us, if we buy the Chopper for 9$ then we would get an additional 10,000 bugs for free. I think it's a pretty good deal. :D
And if you haven't heard, I have a new word!
What do you guise think? I love it! c:
Also, you only have 2 hours for that Chopper deal!
Stay Stylish!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Hello my wonderful blog readers! I am here to tell you the new updates! :D
This is one of them! The new Premium button is a dollar sign! Don't you love it? I think it is amazing!
The next one is verryyy helpful in our cases! If you don't know the name of your item, simply move your mouse over the item and it will tell you the name! So much easier and it's fun finding out the new names!
And the last one I have noticed is the cho points that hover over you when you play a mini game or something, are now green! It's so colorful! :D
Well guise, that's all I saw, if there are some I missed, inform me in the comments! It would be very helpful for other users and I!
Stay Stylish!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Fashion Show Party!
Okay guise, Queen of style is here, and is so excited that their is a fashion show going on today, and I believe our friend, Curiosity is hosting it! Woop! So they even made us a fashion show room (Disco Lounge) , and it is AH-MAZING! it is located at cafe street, near the gamezone! :D To get in the mood, Curio and I decided to take a picture of a character we lovveee!
Katniss Everdeen!
Our character is ready to win this Fashion show! :D
The Fashion Show is today! and you can see the countdown by clicking....here!
I hope you all can come! it will be so much fun! :D
And may the odds be ever in your favor.
Stay Stylish!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Let The Bidding Begin!
Woah guise, did you here? You can bid off of other players to get more bugs! You should see a blue bin in your wardrobe that looks just like this....
that's how you bid in one of your items;
and you put the amount and it sorta goes like that! :D Happy Bidding to you all!
By the way..guess whose birthday is tomorrow. c:
Stay Stylish!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Aye guiseee! If you haven't seen me on chobots, you wouldn't know that today is mah 300th BDAY! (Saturday is my REAL LIFE bday! Yay!)
And I decided to make something for my 300th sah I will never forget! ENJOYYY!
Thank you everyone for the Happy 300th wishes! :D
Stay Stylish!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
New Agents!
Hai guise! I'm here to tell you, THE POLL IS OVER, AND THE RESULTS ARE IN! :D Your new agents are....
Yay! Make sure you guise say congrats! and welcome to the team! :D
If you did NOT get agent, Do not give up! It's not over! You can do it! Believe in yourself, like I believe in you. :D Congrats again guise! :D
Stay Stylish!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Agent Poll!
Recommendations were counted and these are the top 7 people who go to the second round! :D
Yay! Congrats to you all! Also, if you did not get on the poll, don't feel bad, and never give up! You can do it! Good luck to you all!
Stay Stylish!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
A Fresh Look!
The new build is here! Check out these sweet Cafe Street updates:
So much green, I think the team is getting ready for summer!
What an interesting Cafe Street sign!
So, what do you think of this new look?
Saturday, April 20, 2013
A Journey To The Galaxy! Chapter 1
A Journey To The Galaxy
"Dear my fellow chobots, I am here to inform you I will be away for a while, As I will be searching for more fun chobots you can make friends with! Be back soon!
Love, Koiz"
All the chobots read Koiz's post on the head board in the center of chobots known has the cafe. All important news were there. The Chobot world, is similar to planet earth you might say, although they do not look like aliens. They do act alike though. Chobots is a nice place to have fun, many say, but not the Nichos. Nichos are these purple figures that have hate towards the chobots. No one really knows, but they try to ignore each other. Anyways, A small chobot with black frizzy hair, black sweat coat, blue scarf, blue shoes, and a writing feather named Blue, thought this was strange, Koiz the manager, had just gotten back, and said she wasn't leaving for a while, but she is gone again. Blue tried to think "Maybe she just needs new chobots?" But Koiz never lies about it. She usually keeps her words. Blue quickly finished reading, and walked towards her other friends. Chalk and Vasa. "Hey guise, does the post Koiz said, a little strange?" She said while twiddling with her thumbs. "no..." they said at the same time. "Why would you think that?" chalk asked. "well, she just got back, and said she wasn't leaving till a while. So.." "Well maybe Jake wanted her to do a last minute thing?" Vasa suggested. "Yeah, maybe." Blue said unsure. Jake was one of the leaders and helped with most things, along with Zach. Blue decided to leave the subject alone.
Several days go by, and Koiz still wasn't back. Many other staff members had nervous faces and Blue could tell something was up. But what?
Hey guise, hope you enjoy, I think Vasa are going to share this story! So the next chapter might be by from me or her.
Stay Stylish!
Shine Bright Like A Star!
5 Stylish Chobots!
Hai guise! Been a while since I've done the 5 stylish chobots! So imma do it now!;
Curiosity, has an awesome style! She sticks with a nice pink, and the teddy bear is an awesome touch!
Wolfyy has a unique style, that i love! She has very nice items, that all match, and it shows off her cool personality!
Illusiion, has a cool style! It's epic!
Humming, always looks stylish! Orange is color for sure!
Coin's Style is awesome! She shows off her epic items, which makes her look cool!
I'll try to pick more stylish chobots, next week! :D
Stay Stylish!
Agent Recommendations!
Hello guise, long time no post, and I'm sorry. :c But I'm here now and that's all that matters!
Anyways, If you haven't read the main blog, agent recommendations are here! So vote your top 2 chobots that you think should deserve it! :D
Good luck to everyone, I believe in you all! But remember, you don't need a badge to be nice! :D
Stay Stylish!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Congratulations, Twinklefairyx!
Hey Chos!
Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, I've been busy >.<
Anywho, guess who is now a NEW addition to our staff?
If you see her around, tell her congratulations and say Hi c:
We're all so proud of her! Great job, Twinkie!!
Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, I've been busy >.<
Anywho, guess who is now a NEW addition to our staff?
If you see her around, tell her congratulations and say Hi c:
We're all so proud of her! Great job, Twinkie!!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Movie Party
Hello everybody! The chobots team is going to host a movie party for you guys!
For this party, make sure to dress as your favorite character from any movie/TV show, like I've shown you above! Meet us at the Cinema on April 17th at 6:45 PM
cho-time on the server Chocolate Milky Way! Hope to see all you
guys there!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Aye guise, got online to find a CROWD full of people. At first I was thinking "Is there a party I don't know about?" So I asked around and they said it was a glitch. Take a look;
But the server says this;
Don't you think that should be higher, with all those people online?
And last but not least, the other glitch;
when you draw on any wall, it says your name is backwards. (If you can\'t see your name the first time, to see, leave the room then come back)
So it's very strange. Hopefully these glitches will be gone soon!
Stay Stylish!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Guess Who's back, back again, Funny's back, Tell a friend!
That's right! Funnyguy2 is back on cho, and he is the same cool dude he was months ago! So happy he is back! He is a very supporting cho, and an awesome friend! Make sure you say "Welcome!" (:
Stay Stylish!
Feather Sniffing
So, decided to smell my blog feather today, and started a little sniffing party. LOOL.!
Take a look!
This party consist of feet, Lexie, Twinkle, Vasa, Program, and I! AND we all have bows! So cool! By the way, the feathers smell fresh! xD
Stay Stylish!
Exciting News!
Hai Guise got some information! I bet you are all excited to hear!
okay lets go ahead and get started, shall we?
Congrats girl! I knew you could do it!
Also, New Journalist!
4th time in a row! c: Yay! I just wanted to say thanks for you guise's support means a lot coming from you. You honestly don't know. :')
Also! A new thing for Journalists called "Elite Journalist" oooo! Looks cool! You have to be a journalist for 2 months in order to become one, although you do not need to be a journalist this month. Now an elite journalist, gets to post on the main blog when ever they would like. How cool is that?! :D They also get a cool looking badge on their playercard :
Thanks for the picture Jake! :D So, good luck everyone! They should be posted soon. (there are new elite journalists every month!)
Stay Stylish!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Agent Meeting
Well, this will be my FIRST meeting! So excited. Wouldn't be happening without you wonderful chobots! :D
The agent meeting will be tomorrow. I can't wait to see most of staff tomorrow! (if I am able to go!) So Yeah! Just wanted to give my thanks. You guise support me so much and it means a lot. (:
Stay Stylish!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
April Journalist !
Hey, Hey, Hey, Chos! New Journalist time! :D Woop, Woop! For all you AH-MAZING blog owners, go comment your blog, on this post on the main blog! :D Good Luck to everyone, and I also wanted to say, thanks for all of you supporting my blog and check it out! It makes me really happy getting all these comments on how much you like it! Your support makes my day, and I wanted to say thank you so much! Good Luck, and if you do not get it, don't give up! Do your best, and if you need any tips, just comment or message me on chos!
Stay Stylish!
Monday, April 8, 2013
My interview with Sketchie
Hey guys! I decided to host another interview today, this time with Sketchie!
What is your favorite thing about chobots?
Oh, everthing really, but the thing I like most is making new friends, hanging out, and drawing on the wall! ^_^
If you could change one thing about chobots, what would it be?
Hmmm...probably...that everyone could have shortcuts XD. Instead of citizen shortcuts :P Everyone could!
How did you find out about chobots?
Well, I've played .com so...so I clicked it..
What is your biggest goal for chobots?
To become a moderator or agent. Or either win the paintbrush or the camera.
Do you like jelly beans?
OF COURSE! :D They taste like poisoned potatoes to me.
Thanks for your time, Sketchie!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Chobot Shake!
Hide n' Seek
So the staff is hosting some FUN stuff for us chobots this month! :D Today will be a day full of Hide N' Seek! Come and find the staff with us! They will be able to use magic and will be able to change their size, so make sure you double check all the rooms! It's going to be TONS of fun! Check the main blog for the countdown! (press here to go to main blog)
Haha! hope you have fun!
Good Luck!
And May the odds be ever in your favor.
Stay Stylish!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Cho Helpers! xD
Okay, so this is just a joke, Lol, just some fun. Call the cho helpers today! xD
Tell me what you think! :D Have an amazing day!
Stay stylish!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
AMAZING Drawing by Vasa!
I wanted to show you this AH-MAZING artwork, Vasa did! She drew me, and I think it is awesome! So awesome, I wanted to share it on our blog! :D Check it out!
I loaf it soooo much! Make sure you check it out, and tell vasa what you think about it! I hope you found it amazing, like I did! :D Well I just wanted to share it!
Stay Stylish!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Awesome Art!
Hey Chos!
I was in the underground and realized we have some really talented artists on the game! I wanted to feature Kelly123's artwork today :) She does anime, which is really hard, and whenever she does it, it's magnificent! Here, take a look:
I was in the underground and realized we have some really talented artists on the game! I wanted to feature Kelly123's artwork today :) She does anime, which is really hard, and whenever she does it, it's magnificent! Here, take a look:
Awesome right? She's really gifted in her craft and she should be confident in that c:
The Battle Of Colors
Yess! Palm Tree contest, to start off the new month! Yay! :D Come on guise, go paint those trees! Contest ends April 4th! You can do it! Good Luck! c:
Also! if you spot anyone cheating, make sure you take a picture for proof and send it to the support email! :D
Have fun!
Stay Stylish!
Monday, April 1, 2013
New $hop Items!
Hi there Chobots :)
Recently, new items were added to the $hop! They are some really funky and awesome items that you'll be sorry if you don't get them. Let's take a look:
Recently, new items were added to the $hop! They are some really funky and awesome items that you'll be sorry if you don't get them. Let's take a look:

Wow! Awesome right? The Court Jester suit is where you are able to do really cool magic where blue, pink, green, and yellow balls bounce about the screen. These items are citizen only, though. Lastly, after these items are sold out, they won't come back for a while. So get them while you can!
Also, because it's a new month, new items for citizenship have arrived! Here they are:

I think they are really cool! If I could buy citizenship, I'd buy the 12 months x] A little bit more info on the 12 months too: The cool flower wings were designed by our very own Comebackiid! If you see him around, congratulate him on the awesome design, and that it is now available for citizens!
Finally, I just want to say that I hope you had fun if you came to the April Fools party! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it due to my dumb school -_- I saw some really amazing items Chobots were sporting from the rain that happened at the party. Do NOT go around asking the people that went to the party for their items. They spent their time waiting for the party, and were patient enough for some first April rain. You will have many other chances to get the items in the future :)
That's it for now! I hope you liked my post c:
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- Updates!
- Fashion Show Party!
- Let The Bidding Begin!
- New Agents!
- Agent Poll!
- A Fresh Look!
- A Journey To The Galaxy! Chapter 1
- Shine Bright Like A Star!
- 5 Stylish Chobots!
- Agent Recommendations!
- Congratulations, Twinklefairyx!
- Movie Party
- Glitches!
- Guess Who's back, back again, Funny's back, Tell a...
- Feather Sniffing
- Exciting News!
- Agent Meeting
- April Journalist !
- My interview with Sketchie
- Chobot Shake!
- Hide n' Seek
- The Cho Helpers! xD
- AMAZING Drawing by Vasa!
- Awesome Art!
- The Battle Of Colors
- New $hop Items!
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