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Monday, April 8, 2013

My interview with Sketchie

Hey guys! I decided to host another interview today, this time with Sketchie!
What is your favorite thing about chobots?
Oh, everthing really, but the thing I like most is making new friends, hanging out, and drawing on the wall! ^_^
If you could change one thing about chobots, what would it be?
Hmmm...probably...that everyone could have shortcuts XD. Instead of citizen shortcuts :P Everyone could!
How did you find out about chobots?
Well, I've played .com so...so I clicked it..
What is your biggest goal for chobots?
To become a moderator or agent. Or either win the paintbrush or the camera.
Do you like jelly beans?
OF COURSE! :D They taste like poisoned potatoes to me.
Thanks for your time, Sketchie!