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Friday, June 21, 2013

New Agent!

Yep, Destrotant is our new agent! And I decided to interview him! And I learned a lot!:

 1. What was your reaction to agency?
It was surprising, I didn't expect to be getting it out of the blue!

2. Where did you find chobots.net?
I was browsing the web with a friend, and they said I should check out Chobots.net, a game they found a while ago. I'm glad they showed it to me.

 3. How did you come up with your name?
I was tired of using Inifnity123 for everything, and I hated finding that my name was already in use, so I tried to think of a random name that sounded cool, so the name Destrotant just appeared in my head.
 4.What's your favorite color?
Blue, of course!

 5. Where do you see chobots in a couple of years?
I see it even more popular, with even more kind wonderful Chobots, and with many more items!

Well there you have it guise! Wow! I learned a lot! Didn't you? Well, make sure when you see him, say congrats!
Stay Stylish!