Thursday, January 31, 2013
A Strange Glitch
Hey guise. There is a few is one!
The S is capital. Weird. It isn't like that for the rest of us. :P
Stay Stylish!
Drawing Contest
Hi guys! There is a drawing contest on the main blog. To enter, you must draw one of the four (or more) staff members pictured on the main blog in a Valentines day themed picture. Remember, you will be judged on creativity, so think outside the box!
You have until February 2nd to enter. Good luck!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Me and our awesome author, Vasa, decided to be twins! Check it out.
Haha, same clothes just, I'm wearing blue, she is wearing pink. We look pretty stylish.
I just wanted to share!
Stay Stylish
Sunday, January 27, 2013
My interview with Comebackiid
Hi everyone! Recently, I interviewed Comebackiid. Here it is:
What's your favorite thing about chobots?
The community
If you could change one thing about chobots, what would it be?
More active staff.
What's your favorite item on chobots?
Definately the DJ set or the Samantha hair.
If you were stranded on an island alone, name 3 things you would take with you.
My phone, a pillow, and my computer.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Thanks for your time, CBK!
More interviews to come!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Game Night!
Game night was AMAZINGLY FUN! I came in second! And our fellow author Vasa, took home the gold! So proud for the both of us. MUCH fun! But I know she deserved it! I posted on the blog! It was much fun, you all gave me nice comments, and brightened my day! I love chobots!
Before Gamenight started, Koiz decided to have some fun in the space port area. She put Art on the moon over there, and she put arow on that little island xD
well, we will see who wins,shortly on the main blog, click here to see my post on there!
Stay Stylish!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Cafe please open!
I miss cafe street, soooo bad! Dx
Everyone is excited to see what changes are being made, and what not!
GAME NIGHT! Is tomorrow! (:
Be sure to be there. Where you can do games, and try to win!
Most people will go to Space Race! So try your best guise!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Cafe is closed!
Many of you know the cafe is down for repairs. :o They might be adding, or maybe taking down some stuff. May never know! Hopefully it will be finished soon, cause us chobots, are totally excited! And since it is closed, people have been hanging out in shop square.
Stay Stylish
New Forum Contest
Hi everyone! There is a new contest hosted by Aurora on the Forum! Get your pens and pencils out, because this one is a writing contest!
Click HERE for the forum thread. Make sure your story is very creative, and keep it at 100 words or less! Any story has a chance to get put on the main blog, so its worth a shot. Prizes include citizenship, bugs, and your story featured on the main blog.
Good luck!
Monday, January 21, 2013
My Shirt!
Hey Guise! I finally got my shirt! I'm so happy!
I hope you guise got yours too! :D
Stay Stylish
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Our Family Adventure! [Not finished]
Okay so we had a family adventure. But it is NOT complete. Dx
Hi guys! I am the new author here on Bluezorogirl's blog. I'd like to say thank you to Bluezorogirl for accepting me as an author!
I'll be posting some interviews, and I'll keep you updated with the latest news!
New Author
I decided to add another author (And will probably be the last till further notice)
I'm sure many of you know her! I think she is going to be an awesome author! Welcome her! And add her on chobots if you haven't
Her tracker is on the side!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Okay, so I waited 6 HOURS for that party, and right when it started, I had to go. .-. Just my luck right?
And I didn't get a t-shirt. I'm just an unlucky chobot xD
But I did take some photos! A LOT I might add. (:
I have more, but I will just upload these for now! (: I hope you that went, enjoyed, and if you didn't get your t-shirt, go to the Virtual World Club website and you will find a link, and you tell them you didn't get your shirt. I hope that helped you guise.
Stay Stylish
Party Time!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Stop Battling!
The Sweet Battle contest ended a few days ago but everybody had to clean up their selves especially because we were all covered in candy before we could post the results! The Battle was very harsh and heated, but 3 Chobots got the highest scores;
Click to enlarge!
Patrick45 came 1st with a score of 148.58, and won a week of Citizenship, 4,000 bugs and a 1st place medal!
Wolfyy came 2nd with a score of 120.21 and won 5 days of Citizenship, 3,000 bugs and a 2nd place medal!
Chronological came 3rd with a score of 117.30 and won 3 days of Citizenship, 2,000 bugs and a 3rd place medal!
Congratulations to the winners! And good try to everybody who participated, there's always next time!!
Chobot Style!
Haha! Okay, So we were on Chobots, and of course there is always a bad cho. But we all thought OUTSIDE the box, and instead of trying to ignore her, we were nice to her! And then we started dancing. We told her nice things, and then she started dancing with us. Then she said "This is kinda fun!" So we made a difference!
She isn't in this picture by the way! (: |
I just wanted to share! :D
Stay Stylish
Thursday, January 17, 2013
VWC Party
Hello Chobots,
A party is scheduled! And you're invited!
---------------Virtual World Club Party-------------
When: January 19th, 2013, 1:30 PM
What: There will be tons of rain, a heap of magic, giveaways of Citizenship + bugs + items and it'll even rain a Virtual World Club shirt!!

I can't wait! Are you attending? What are you looking forward to the most? Comment below!! :)
A party is scheduled! And you're invited!
---------------Virtual World Club Party-------------
When: January 19th, 2013, 1:30 PM
What: There will be tons of rain, a heap of magic, giveaways of Citizenship + bugs + items and it'll even rain a Virtual World Club shirt!!

I can't wait! Are you attending? What are you looking forward to the most? Comment below!! :)
New $hop Items
Hello Chobots,
Today the "$hop" or "Real money Shop" was restocked with alot of favorite items, at cheap prices!!

Awesome right? Are you going to buy anything or have you bought anything? Comment below!! :)
Today the "$hop" or "Real money Shop" was restocked with alot of favorite items, at cheap prices!!

Awesome right? Are you going to buy anything or have you bought anything? Comment below!! :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Our New Authors!
Hey guise, I decided to have more people join, cause, the more people, the better! So let me introduce our, 2 new authors (don't worry, more may come)....
Many of you know this awesome cho, FunnyGuy2!
And the other awesome cho is Drytoby!
I think they will be Perfect! Welcome them!
Stay Stylish
New Author
Hello Chobots,
I recently got the opportunity to write for this chotastic blog, and I took it! If you don't know me, read on!
*My name is Drytoby (in game) and I love to blog. I own a blog of my own and you can view it by clicking here!
*I really like the colour/color red as it goes with alot of outfits!
*I enjoy talking to everybody!
*I love to make new friends!
and most important of all...
I love!! :D
Thanks for reading, Watch out for more of my posts :D
I recently got the opportunity to write for this chotastic blog, and I took it! If you don't know me, read on!
*My name is Drytoby (in game) and I love to blog. I own a blog of my own and you can view it by clicking here!
*I really like the colour/color red as it goes with alot of outfits!
*I enjoy talking to everybody!
*I love to make new friends!
and most important of all...
I love!! :D
Thanks for reading, Watch out for more of my posts :D
Okay, I'm going to tell you guise the story about our amazing chobot Nathan.
Many of you know he was a fantastic mod. Now a lot of you want to be mods, I know that. But being a mod is a lot of work. Just ask Nathan. He gave up his badge, because It was a hard responsiblity. And Nathan is very brave to do that. Because he didn't want to do something that was too much to handle. Then he became an agent. Not as bad. But I got on today, and people said he got de-agented. I honestly don't know. I am going to ask him if he gets on. Nathan is one of the best chos I know. No doudt about that. Don't spam him about it. Because he might not want to talk about it. But Nathan, if you are reading this..
I honestly don't care if you have badge or no badge. You are still that amazing chobot. Don't let anyone tell you different. I bet it was hard to be in your shoes. No matter what, I am here for you all the way. #TeamNathan. (:
I just thought I say. I'm not going against anyone. And don't start any rumors. Don't make up anything. Think before you say. (:
Well That's it.
Stay stylish
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
A Note From Me
I just wanted to say that to all of you. Agent isn't about having the cool things. Or being popular. It's about your personality. How you treat people. Just be nice from your chobot heart. That's what makes you become an agent. (Well I think) I think, they are looking for someone that REALLY wants this job. Not for the cool rocket boots, or hats, not even the actual badge on the playercard. They are looking for a trustworthy person who is perfect for the job. and A LOT of chos are good for the job. But just do random acts of kindness, not for the things. Cause Being nice and setting a goal for something you will love to do. Everyone has a chance. Remember that. Please. I hope I inspired you guys.
Woah. Emotional moment from me. xD
But Goodluck to you guys and your goal. (:
Stay Stylish
I just got online, and new things have been told. Let me start with my new friend! She is awesome!
PerfectLexie, me, and funnyguy2 :D
PerfectLexie, me, and funnyguy2 :D
Other news....
Nathan no longer has his badge. I am not going to share you the information he told me, because I don't want rumors to start, so ask him, He will be happy to tell you. (:
But he is an agent! And that's AMAZING. He loves being an agent and if he is happy then we all should be happy. (: SUPPORT HIM!
Stay Stylish! ~Blue
Monday, January 14, 2013
New agents!
News about the agents! The new agents are...
Congrats to you both! You guys deserve it. Welcome to the agent team. (:
VERY proud.
If you didn't get it, Please don't be upset.There is always next time. I believe in all of you
Stay stylish
Wow guys, really sorry I haven't been on. I have been at school, and just last weekend I went on vacation. I promise to make up for it though! (:
So the agent poll has been up, Congrats to....
and Theufo
Goodluck to you all! Either way, you are all wonderful chobots.
-Stay Stylish
So the agent poll has been up, Congrats to....
and Theufo
Goodluck to you all! Either way, you are all wonderful chobots.
-Stay Stylish
Monday, January 7, 2013
My Cow Adventure
Dear Diary,
So, I have held some speeches about the agent voting. And this is what I think; I don't need a badge to show how nice I am, When the agent choices are over, whatever happens, happens. Congrats to those people who will get it. But I will work harder for the next time. I will continue to be nice. Remember, there is Always a next time. My new goal, is to inspire you chobots. Never, EVER, give up. I just hope you think about that. Start chasing your dreams, instead of dreaming them. Goodluck to everyone who wants agency, You are all agents in my eyes.
Anyyywwayys! So today, one of our great agents,Comebackiid, came up with a Rap for chobots. Make sure you hear it! He is really talented. So, that is all I have to say.
Remember, Never give up.
Love, Blue
So, I have held some speeches about the agent voting. And this is what I think; I don't need a badge to show how nice I am, When the agent choices are over, whatever happens, happens. Congrats to those people who will get it. But I will work harder for the next time. I will continue to be nice. Remember, there is Always a next time. My new goal, is to inspire you chobots. Never, EVER, give up. I just hope you think about that. Start chasing your dreams, instead of dreaming them. Goodluck to everyone who wants agency, You are all agents in my eyes.
Anyyywwayys! So today, one of our great agents,Comebackiid, came up with a Rap for chobots. Make sure you hear it! He is really talented. So, that is all I have to say.
Remember, Never give up.
Love, Blue
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Game Night!
Hey chos, Did you have fun at game night? I know I did. it was my first time going. And In sliders So far, 4th place. Oh well. It was a nice try and lots of fun. I hope you guys enjoyed, Jake was playing with us also. So it made it even more fun!
Checker fun!
Stay Stylish! -Blue
Friday, January 4, 2013
Agent Time!
It's time to pick an agent guys! Who do think should be an agent? REMEMBER; Pick who you want, that would be perfect for the job. Not just cause they are your friend. And do not recommend yourself. :P
GOODLUCK TO EVERYONE! Whatever happens in the end, you guys are all agents in my eyes! (:
Stay Stylish -Blue
Amazing Artwork!
I thought I should share some amazing artwork!
Baby Eggs by: Pascallswirls
Isn't it adorable. It's truly amazing! Go tell Pascallswirls what good job she did!
Okay, now we have Phineas!
Created by Sharpiemadness!
It's amazing! (:
Make sure you tell both of these amazing artist how good they are! (:
Stay stylish ~Blue
New Journalists!
Hey guys, the new journalist were announced!
I did it!!
I'm so happy. For the rest of the people that didn't get it. It's okay. You guys all have very nice blogs. (:
Besides me getting Journalist;
and Funnyguy2 !
Congrats guys!
Stay Stylish -Blue
Thursday, January 3, 2013
My Twin!
So, Someone said me and Sharpiemaddness were alike. So we decided to dress alike. Yeah, we're awesome like that xD
We are on the bottom. Aren't we cool? I think yes!
Stay Stylish -Blue
Dear Diary,
So today was lots of fun. They had an agent meeting, so we chilled there. I made a drawing. That I like. New stuff are added to chobots. Like the stars. Which is really cool! Jake gifted me a PSP board. And Zoo is also looking for ideas. My idea is you have like a polar bear/panda hat. That has these long arms down to your hips and they are like paws. It's really hard to explain. But I have one in real life. That's pretty much all that happened today on chobots. Wait! Also, The new mod is so cool! She will play music anytime she wants, she is funny, and knows how to have fun! Yay! And! Journalist are announced tomorrow! YAY! I can't wait. Jake said, a lot of chobots will be chosen for the job. I hope I am one! Goodluck to the other blog owners! Well that's all I have to say!
Love, Blue
So today was lots of fun. They had an agent meeting, so we chilled there. I made a drawing. That I like. New stuff are added to chobots. Like the stars. Which is really cool! Jake gifted me a PSP board. And Zoo is also looking for ideas. My idea is you have like a polar bear/panda hat. That has these long arms down to your hips and they are like paws. It's really hard to explain. But I have one in real life. That's pretty much all that happened today on chobots. Wait! Also, The new mod is so cool! She will play music anytime she wants, she is funny, and knows how to have fun! Yay! And! Journalist are announced tomorrow! YAY! I can't wait. Jake said, a lot of chobots will be chosen for the job. I hope I am one! Goodluck to the other blog owners! Well that's all I have to say!
Love, Blue
I felt like drawing today, and so I drew xD
What do you think? I like it. Haha
Other news, they made new changes to chobots!
Guess who is back?!
I guess they were always there, but now people can see them!
Also Jake gave me a present! I love it! It's a PSP Board. Yay!
And, Zoo is looking for more ideas for chobots. so if you have any, be sure to tell him ASAP !
Stay Stylish! -Blue
Chobot Names!
I decided to have them say there names. Aren't they some stylish Chos?!
Also, Our chobot of the month is up.
She, as well is stylish!
Right now I'm on the Cafe Street, so don't be afraid to say hello! (:
Also Zoo is here!
Can you spot Zoo ?
Haha, Stay stylish chos! -Blue
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- Drawing Contest
- Twins!
- My interview with Comebackiid
- Game Night!
- Cafe please open!
- Cafe is closed!
- New Forum Contest
- My Shirt!
- Our Family Adventure! [Not finished]
- Hi!
- New Author
- Party
- Party Time!
- Stop Battling!
- Chobot Style!
- VWC Party
- New $hop Items
- Our New Authors!
- New Author
- Nathan
- A Note From Me
- News!
- New agents!
- Sorry!
- My Cow Adventure
- Diary
- Game Night!
- Agent Time!
- Amazing Artwork!
- New Journalists!
- My Twin!
- Diary
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- Chobot Names!
- Agent Meeting
- So Much Fun!
- My Closet (:
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- New Mod, and Party!
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