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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Note From Me

I just wanted to say that to all of you. Agent isn't about having the cool things. Or being popular. It's about your personality. How you treat people. Just be nice from your chobot heart. That's what makes you become an agent. (Well I think) I think, they are looking for someone that REALLY wants this job. Not for the cool rocket boots, or hats, not even the actual badge on the playercard. They are looking for a trustworthy person who is perfect for the job. and A LOT of chos are good for the job. But just do random acts of kindness, not for the things. Cause Being nice and setting a goal for something you will love to do. Everyone has a chance. Remember that. Please. I hope I inspired you guys. 
Woah. Emotional moment from me. xD
But Goodluck to you guys and your goal. (: 
Stay Stylish


Newy82 said...

Nice Post! I totally agree with you!