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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Interview and Badge!

Hello Everyone!
I interviewed the nicest and most stylish chobot ever: TWINKLEFAIRYX!
Lets see what she had to say :)
eggs: Okay lets do this
eggs: How did you discover chobots?
twinklefairyx: Well, I was devastated that Chobots.com was down, so I was looking through ''Goodbye Chobots'' on youtube when the top comment said: ''Guys there's a new Chobots it's called chobots.net' So I joined and it turned out to be an amazing game.
twinklefairyx: Excited as I could start over and meet new friends.
eggs: So, where you excited to start over? Or did you just want to be the person that you were on chobots.com?
twinklefairyx: Well, I shared accounts with my brother on .com, so yes I was excited to start over.
twinklefairyx: It was VERY hard.. LOL
eggs: So if you could change, one tiny little thing on chobots when you joined, what would it be?
twinklefairyx: It would be to get rid of those annoying trolls on Cho o-o
eggs: They are so annoying! Anyway, Thanks for letting me interview you :) It was a pleasure :)
twinklefairyx: haha its ok :p

She is so nice, check out her face HERE!

Anyway, Today I was on chobots and I noticed Zoo was online, so I clicked on his player and..
Awesome badge! I vant one now! xD

Anyway, see you!