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Friday, January 18, 2013

Stop Battling!

Hello Chobots,

The Sweet Battle contest ended a few days ago but everybody had to clean up their selves especially because we were all covered in candy before we could post the results! The Battle was very harsh and heated, but 3 Chobots got the highest scores;
Click to enlarge!

Patrick45 came 1st with a score of 148.58, and won a week of Citizenship, 4,000 bugs and a 1st place medal!

Wolfyy came 2nd with a score of 120.21 and won 5 days of Citizenship, 3,000 bugs and a 2nd place medal!

Chronological came 3rd with a score of 117.30 and won 3 days of Citizenship, 2,000 bugs and a 3rd place medal!

Congratulations to the winners! And good try to everybody who participated, there's always next time!!