Sunday, March 31, 2013
My Bruh
My bruh, Pain and I were just chilling at the amazing party, Max threw! And Pain decided to dress like me, but in boy version xD
Yeah, We cool. :D Haha.
Stay Stylish!
Happy Easter!
Hi there Chobots!
Today is Easter! This is a big holiday for those who are Christian and Catholic, but, that doesn't mean other people not that religion can't have fun! :)
I hope everyone is having a great Easter so far, and depending on where you are in the world, it might have been yesterday, so happy belated Easter to you!
Also, don't forget! Giant Easter party today on Chobots c:
Today is Easter! This is a big holiday for those who are Christian and Catholic, but, that doesn't mean other people not that religion can't have fun! :)
I hope everyone is having a great Easter so far, and depending on where you are in the world, it might have been yesterday, so happy belated Easter to you!
Also, don't forget! Giant Easter party today on Chobots c:
Haha I drew that back on .com, that's why it has Corkal has the signature! x]
Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
New Catalog Updates
Hi guys! Vasa12345 here with some new items in the Shop:
Looks like the team is preparing for Easter and April Fools day! I also have seen several chobots dress up as Johnny Bravo! xD
So, what do you think about the new catalog items? Which one is your favorite?
Board Game Winners!
Hey Chos!
A couple of days ago, the Academy Games contest ended, and here are the results of the winners!
First place-Ferose19
Second place-Furry
Third place-Abdul999
First place-Pain
Second place-Zchad
Third place-Emperor
First place-Theufo
Second place-Master720
Third place-Ryan6872back
Fantastic job winners! For your excellent achievements, first place winners receive a first place medal, 5,000 bugs, and 5 days of citizenship. Second place winners get a second place medal, 4,000 bugs, and 4 days of citizenship. Third place winners receive a third place medal, 3,000 bugs, and 3 days of citizenship! Again, congratulations winners! I hope everyone that participated had tons of fun!
A couple of days ago, the Academy Games contest ended, and here are the results of the winners!
First place-Ferose19
Second place-Furry
Third place-Abdul999
First place-Pain
Second place-Zchad
Third place-Emperor
First place-Theufo
Second place-Master720
Third place-Ryan6872back
Fantastic job winners! For your excellent achievements, first place winners receive a first place medal, 5,000 bugs, and 5 days of citizenship. Second place winners get a second place medal, 4,000 bugs, and 4 days of citizenship. Third place winners receive a third place medal, 3,000 bugs, and 3 days of citizenship! Again, congratulations winners! I hope everyone that participated had tons of fun!
Lets Get Silly!
Hey Chobots! :D The Chobots team is setting off this month with an April Fool's Party! Yay! Also, This month is alsooooo
My Birthday! :D
So.. Would I have to change my Chobots name to BlueZoroGirl14? Hmm.. Haha! Also since April Fool's Day is one of my FAVORITE days, I will be pranking some of you! >:D Beware!
Have a lovely day! >:D
Stay Stylish!
P.S. More information on the party: Click here! to go to main blog! For more info. c:
Friday, March 29, 2013
Comic By, Me!
Decided to make a funny comic...Lol, check it out! c:
Enjoy! and tell me what you think! C:
Stay Stylish!
Spring Is Heree!
Hey guise, I decided to draw a picture in underground, about spring, tell me what you think. :
So comment! Happy Spring! :D
Stay Stylish!
Poem Contest!
Okay, cause I LOVE Poems, I have decided to make a poem contest, if you would like you may write a story, So If you are not good with poems, make a short story! :D I am not sure when I will check winners, so good luck! Post them in comments! :D Do itt! Wooo! c:
Happy Friday!
Stay Stylish!
P.S. I forgot to say; The poem MUST be about Chobots OR Easter! :D
P.S. I forgot to say; The poem MUST be about Chobots OR Easter! :D
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Koiz Hair is Back!
Hey Chobots!
Later tonight, the AWESOME hair everybody loves was put back in the catalog for citizens! Can you guess which it was?
That's right. You got it. KOIZ HAIR! Check it out:
Later tonight, the AWESOME hair everybody loves was put back in the catalog for citizens! Can you guess which it was?
That's right. You got it. KOIZ HAIR! Check it out:
Although it's a bit pricey at a cost of 4000 bugs, you get to pick any color you want! But, again, it's only for citizens :c
So excited to see people wearing it around Chobots!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Easter Contest
Hey everyone!
A very favorable holiday is coming up...Easter!
The Chobots team thought it would be fun to get festive, so they're making another contest for crafts and baking.
A very favorable holiday is coming up...Easter!
The Chobots team thought it would be fun to get festive, so they're making another contest for crafts and baking.

You can choose which one you want to do, but it has to be Easter AND Chobots related! After you have down your project, take a picture of it and post it as a comment on the official post! The deadline for the contest is Saturday, March 30th.
Good luck Chobots! :)
Monday, March 25, 2013
New Items in the Catalogs
Hey everybody! The chobots team has recently added some new clothes to the catalogs. Let's check them out:
Some cute hair for juniors.
Sleek-looking pants for juniors.
A wonderful suit for citizens.
I absolutely love these new items! Which one is your favorite?
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Hi there!
Hi Chobots! c:
I'm a new author on this blog, and I'm SOOOOO happy!
Let me introduce myself:
I'm a new author on this blog, and I'm SOOOOO happy!
Let me introduce myself:
- My Chobots username is Ludiee
- I've played Chobots for 4 years
- I have a burning passion for dance
- I love cats
- Food *-*
- My favorite colors are aqua, yellow, and grey!
That's about it x] I just wanted to say "Hi" so...
Our New Author!
Hai guise, me and Vasa talked and decided to pick an author! :D Her name is Ludiee, you might know her from chobots! :D I think she will REALLY help the blog! Welcome Ludiee.
And if you didn't become and author, don't sweat it, I will be picking new authors again, later. c: To become an author on here you do not only need to be active on here, but I need to see that you are active on your own blog! c: But make sure you welcome our new author! :D
She is also stylish!
Stay Stylish!
Hai guise, Is it just me, or you can't get on chobots? I'm not sure. :/ But they have made a new banner, for I believe, Spring. c: Take a look:
I think they are making changes right now in the game. :D Can't wait till it is back up and running!
Stay Stylish!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
STILL authors wanted
Interested? Answer below (i know some of you already answered these questions, you DO NOT need to answer them again. c:
Hai guise, I need 1 author. To become an author I need you to answer these questions. (answer these questions in the comments)
Do you own a blog? If so, please write link!: How often can you post?:Are you able to design? (If you can't it's okay):Tell me 3 facts about yourself!: Why do you want to be apart of this blog?:
Stay stylish!
Game Night!
Hey guise, I wanted to go ahead and tell you, today is gamenightt!! :D Yay! I'm going to do pinball, what are you going to do? Tell mah!
Tips for gamenight:
Listen to music, it helps!
Stay with one game!
The board games will not count for game night, since there is already a contest going on. c: Click here to see the countdown, remember no cheating! You will get in major trouble! Good luck! Don't give up!
Stay Stylish!
A Story
Us, new agents, took a picture together! :D It's kind of put together, check it out!
The end.
Amazing story right?? xD
These chobots are really cool! :D I hope you enjoyed our story! c:
Stay Stylish!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Hello Chobots! Agent Poll results are in! And well, here they are!
Wow. This has been a dream for a long time, and I wanted to thank you guise for making it happen. My goal is to inspire you all, and I have a feeling that is coming true. Thank you all so much. You don't know how much this means to me. Congrats to bacon and Spencer! :D And if you didn't get agent, do NOT give up. Please. Like I usually said.. You do NOT need a badge to be nice! I will not change, I will be on normally, talking to EVERYONE. c:
Just thank you SO very much.
Stay Stylish!
~Blue c:
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
5 Stylish Chobots!
Hai guise, I was thinking, and maybe we should start a little think each week! Okay here is how it goes...Me and Vasa will pick 5 stylish chobots each week! :D
Cool right?! Okay..So I was on cafe street and I have already thought of who to pick! c:
Here are your 5 stylish chobots this week!
Chalk: I just love Chalk's basic colors, and how matching it is. Black does go with everything! :D
Feet: I love FlapieFeet's bright colors. The light blue really does go with the baby pink. :D
Rage: I just love how Rage's personality is put in on what he wears. Randomness ! :D
Art: Art has really interesting colors that matches everything. The teddy bear also is a good touch! :D
PerfectLexie: Lexie has one color and it matches her skin tone perfectly. Giving her a soft look! Her hair is red, which shows off some color, from making it too soft! :D
Well, Comment if you would like me to do more! And No, these aren't about favoritism, And don't feel bad that I didn't choose you! Stay till next week! c:
Stay Stylish!
~Blue c:
New Mods!
Okay, So last night, Zoo got on and informed us about new mods! :D YAY! c: More fun! I got a picture of both of these stylish mods! Here it is;
Their names are;
(Girl - Curiosity, Boy- James)
If you can't tell, James said Sparkly Stars! They are REALLY nice! Don't forget to say congrats! They are awesome! :D
Alsssooo..New Poll on main blog! c:
Which would you like to see the most? Make sure you vote on the main blog, by!
Stay Stylish!
~Blue c:
Spring is just around the corner
Hey guys! Since the first day of Spring is tomorrow, I drew this picture for you.
I hope you guys like it!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Let There Be Peace! (Chapter 5)
Haven't wrote in a while.. so lets change that!
Chapter 5 is here!
It was a sunny afternoon, as Blue walks down cafe street toward where Nikki was. Soon she finds Vasa crying. Blue runs up to her. "Vasa! What is wrong?!" Blue asked with concern. "My mom.." She croaked out. "What about her?" "She is gone. Staff came and took her away." Tears gushing from her pale blue eyes. Something was wrong. Why would they take her away? She is so kind. "Why?" "They said she committed a crime, saying she was helping Nichos." Blue looks at her with confusion across her face. "She found out about Nikki, and we were going to help her, but another chobot overheard us talking." "Did they found out about Nikki?" Blue asked. "No, but my mother is gone, and who knows where they have taken her!" Vasa lets out a loud sob. I grab her arm and run to Nikki. Once we approach the door, Pain is standing already near it. "Go in." Blue said, still holding onto Vasa's arm. Pain was just blankly looking at vasa. She had red streaks down her face from crying. "Oh" He says shaking his head. He pushes the door open, only to find Nikki not there. "Where did she go?!" They walk around a moment when Blue passes a note. "Guise! Over here!" she shouts across the room. There was a piece of paper laying on the floor, covered in dirt. She shakes off the dirt and reads.
Hello Blue, Vasa, And Pain, if you are reading this, then you have obviously found my letter. These people found me. They looked like all 3 of you, yet with red eyes. So, I knew they must not be you. I'm sorry this is not neat, they left for a only a moment, if I don't finish they have already taken me. But I must tell you, I know what they are! They ar-
"What are they?!" Pain cries out. Blue shakes her head. "I don't know. But they took Nikki.We have to save her. C'mon!" She says running out. Pain follows her, but only to see Vasa looking at them. "Vasa, let's go." Pain says. Vasa looked a little sad, but angry. "She is the reason this happened! She is the reason my mom is gone! It might be good she is gone! All she has done is fill me with fear and hate!" She spats. Pain and Blue look at her stunned. "I just want my mom back." She says, as fresh tears sprung in her eyes, and slowly falls down.
I hope you enjoyed this Chapter! Chapter 6 will come soon! c:
Stay Stylish!
~Blue c:
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Hi guys! I just wanted to wish you all a great St. Patricks Day. Hope your day goes awesome! Make sure to wear green to avoid getting pinched ;)
Check out the Cafe Street update. Awesome, right? Shamrocks EVERYWHERE!
Agent Poll!
Hai there chos! I wanted to share you the agent poll! The people who are on the poll are...
Good Job guise! And I wanted to thank everyone for the support you all gave me. If it wasn't for you, then I wouldn't have gotten this far. Thank you sooo much! Good Luck to all of you! You can do it! :D Click HERE to vote on poll! Remember, you do not need a badge to be nice, be nice from the heart!
It's St. Patrick's Day! Therefore, my name today is GreenZoroGirl13 xD You better wear green or I'll pinch you! xD And once you are in green take a picture and upload it in my last post the contest! Whoever looks the best gets a prize! :D
Annnddd Journalist are up! Here they are....
Woowww! Thanks guise for checking out my blog, I am so happy to be on the Journalist team still! 3 months! Good Job to our author, Vasa! And if you didn't get journalist, it's okay, don't ever give up! You can do it! :D
Well, That's it for now!
Stay Green/ Stylish c;
Friday, March 15, 2013
Contest Time! ;D
Hai wonderful chobots! I just wanted to come and say hello! And I wanted to say about the St. Patrick Contest, that I will host! Okay so here is what you do! Wear as much green as you can, and I will pick the best looking green chobot! Sounds fun? Take a picture of your chobot and post it in the comments below, and if you can't then tell me while I'm online! Good Luck!
Haha, this is my green costume, not much is it? Hopefully you guise can do much better then me xD Have a fantastic day/night !
Stay Stylish !
P.S. GreenZoroGirl13 xD
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Agent Time!
Hai wonderful chobots! So on the main blog, there are agents wanted! I am so excited for the people who now can show off their nice personalities and have a chance! But when you vote, make sure you pick someone you think would be perfect for the job. Not because they are your friends. Good luck to everyone! I believe in all of you! Newy the agent, was so kind and made a poll to see who is in the lead and such. I bet if you ask for the link, he will tell you! Have a nice day, chobots ! c;
Stay stylish!
-Blue c:
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Winners Of Drawing Contest!
Hai guise sorry for being SO busy with school and such. But I am here now, and I am going to announce drawing winner! c: Since there were VERY little entries I am only picking 1 winner. :c Although ALL of them were fantastic! Never give up on drawing guise! They were all amazing! But only one person will get a prize and winner is....
She made it actually look like me! Vasa I will award you with something, come and ask me when you get the chance.
(Please note guise, that this was NOT favoritism, I promise! All were truly amazing.)
Stay Stylish!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Sweet Battle Contest
Are you ready to have a food fight? Then head on down to the park and get ready for a Sweet Battle Contest!
You have until Friday, the 15th of March, to earn as many points as possible. Good luck!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Authors Wanted!
Hai guise, I need 1 author. To become an author I need you to answer these questions. (answer these questions in the comments)
Do you own a blog? If so, please write link!:
How often can you post?:
Are you able to design? (If you can't it's okay):
Tell me 3 facts about yourself!:
Why do you want to be apart of this blog?:
The person that gets picked, (I will announce winner Tuesday 3/12/13)
Please contact my email, or talk to me on chobots!
Goodluck to EVERYONE! c:
March Journalist!
Haii Guise! March Journalist will be posted soon, I don't think they will pick me for Journalist again, because there are a bunch of amazing blogs out there! Haha, But if I don't get picked again, I hope you all continue to check out my blog! I am sooo happy for a chance on this amazing job. Goodluck to EVERYONE! Never give up, you guise can do it! Have faith in yourself! I believe in you all! Make sure you comment your blog, on the main blog. (click here! to comment the link to your blog!) c: Alllssooo, GameNight is tonight! I am SO
Excited! Pinball, here I come! Good luck! Here are some tips for your game!:
Try listening to music, while you play!
Stick to one game and stay there till gamenight is over!
Starts at 11 PM cho-time,
Remember, you can play any game you want!
My contest ends TOMORROW! Don't forget to try it! Winner gets a prize!
Stay Stylish!
~Blue c;
Monday, March 4, 2013
Citizen Items!
Hai Guise! Citizen items for this month are out! WOOPP! c:
Don't they look amazing? Which one are you guise going to buy? I like them all! :D Comment your favorite. And don't forget to go try my drawing contest, from last post! Do it, because you are AMAZINGGG! c: Thank you.
Stay Stylish!
~Blue c:
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Woaaahh It's a contest!
Hey Guise, I have thought about it and I have decided to host a contest! Exciting right? Okay, I have thought about it, and Well, It's a drawing contest! For all you artist! Okay, here it is!...
Draw One of us... (Or put us all together in a drawing) You can draw it on a computer or you can just draw it in hand and upload it.
Okay, Draw one of us, and post your picture in the comments. GOODLUCK, Winner gets a prize. c:
PS. Ends On 3/10/13
PS. Ends On 3/10/13
Haaii Guisee!
Hai guise, I need to blog some more. xD
Okay so WE ARE CHOBOTS AGAIN! WOOP! Chobots world is back to normal, with a few changes.
It is more green! c:
Chat is a more lighter color
And there are some new events this month! Wooop!
I am so excited! Aren't you?
Stay Stylish
Friday, March 1, 2013
Chobots Unite!
Hai guise! If you haven't seen yet, we are chobots again! Yay! I am so happy for it.Although we are no longer nichos, Blik has said The Nicho king is still in sight...I think I found the secret hidings..Cafe doesn't open anymore...Even though it opened the other day. The academy door are closed, and the Chollywood.
So I am sure we will find out what is happening soon. I wish you all goodluck and I'll post more.
Yay! :D If you are still nicho, clear cache, refresh or restart computer and if that doesn't work, contact support. c:
Stay Stylish!
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- New Catalog Updates
- Board Game Winners!
- Lets Get Silly!
- Comic By, Me!
- Spring Is Heree!
- Poem Contest!
- Koiz Hair is Back!
- Easter Contest
- New Items in the Catalogs
- Hi there!
- Our New Author!
- Chobots
- STILL authors wanted
- Game Night!
- A Story
- My Style Tips!
- Agents!
- 5 Stylish Chobots!
- New Mods!
- Spring is just around the corner
- Let There Be Peace! (Chapter 5)
- Happy St. Patricks Day!
- Agent Poll!
- Contest Time! ;D
- Agent Time!
- Winners Of Drawing Contest!
- Sweet Battle Contest
- Authors Wanted!
- March Journalist!
- Citizen Items!
- Woaaahh It's a contest!
- Haaii Guisee!
- Chobots Unite!
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