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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Woaaahh It's a contest!

Hey Guise, I have thought about it and I have decided to host a contest! Exciting right? Okay, I have thought about it, and Well, It's a drawing contest! For all you artist! Okay, here it is!...

Draw One of us... (Or put us all together in a drawing) You can draw it on a computer or you can just draw it in hand and upload it.

Okay, Draw one of us, and post your picture in the comments. GOODLUCK, Winner gets a prize. c: 

PS. Ends On 3/10/13 


Vasa12345 said...

My entry!


Good luck to everyone else who enters!


Markl said...

Seems like fun, if I have the time, I'll try to enter!

abdullahali said...

My entry!

BlueZoroGirl13 said...

Hey Abdullahali! I can't see your picture? Why dont you upload it to tinypic.com ? c: It will be easier, thanks! :D

abdullahali said...

Hey bluezorogirl13 can you visit my blog: there will be a tab saying: Art click on it and you will see my drawing. My blog: abdullahbsali.blogspot.com

BlueZoroGirl13 said...

Okay, Abdullahali! Thank you! c: Also, NICE BLOG! I love it! :D

Alexa said...

Hi Blue! :D For my drawing, I decided to draw Sheridan! :D Here it is: http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y497/PerfectlexieChobot/Mydrawing_zps8d44dcbe.png

When I scanned it to my computer, it sort of took away from the coloring. :[ Oh, well! :) Good luck everyone! :D