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Friday, March 29, 2013

Poem Contest!

Okay, cause I LOVE Poems, I have decided to make a poem contest, if you would like you may write a story, So If you are not good with poems, make a short story! :D I am not sure when I will check winners, so good luck! Post them in comments! :D Do itt! Wooo! c:
Happy Friday!
Stay Stylish!

P.S. I forgot to say; The poem MUST be about Chobots OR Easter! :D 


Unknown said...

Roses are red
violets are blue
oh wait no violets are violet
not blue

Juliet said...

Yay I love poems c:

Here is mine! It's a haiku:

Swan decked out in white
Long beak beckoning towards Sun
Colossal wings flap


Beautifuliciouss said...

I'll get straight to work :3 but I got one question : Can it be related to anything or chobots?